Monday, April 7, 2008

sketch-up again

My model at its present state. Enjoy.

And 3 images (more improved state than the video):

textures used: spiky, solid, spongy, slippery, non-uniform, translucent.
I've changed and simplify the stairs below the ground too; the previous one was too heavy and it read 'jail' not 'hope'.

1 comment:

Jean-Philippe Ducharne said...

Hi Alice,
thanks for your comments. To apply the background sky, I just made a big rectangles which surrounds my project and applied a picture of a sky with a pretty good definition, nothing more. For the more transparent rendering for sections, I was just trying to get the project both above ground and below ground at the same time so that the ground plane becomes just a horizon line, sketchup did the rest, the colored tones come from the sky image that I imported. No photoshop, except to crop the snapshots. I'm glad that it looks like I put more effort into it than what I actually did. Good luck.